Temple Planning Committee
The Kashyap Kashmir Sabha, Gurugram 1
(Registration No. HR/018/2013/ 00405 dated 08.04.2013)
Gurugram-122017 (Haryana)
Date: December 30th , 2018
Project Planning Committee for Temple and Cultural Centre, Kashyap Kashmir Sabha, Gurgaon at the allotted land in Palam Vihar, Gurgaon
A committee is formed for preparing a project plan with following terms.
- The committee will prepare and submit a report to President, Kashyap Kashmir Sabha, Gurgaon within the next 30 days (with effect from today – Extendable by a maximum of 15 days only as a special case).
- During this period the committee will consider all the inputs received from various sources, however, will finalize the various possible actions, from an independent point of view and propose the same view/plan in a detailed report. Team will also include a project plan to be used by the KKS (with or without alteration, as deemed necessary from time to time).
- The committee will also do a quarterly progress assessment of the project plan implementation and will be free to suggest alterations or changes required.
The Kashyap Kashmir Sabha, Gurugram
(Registration No. HR/018/2013/ 00405 dated 08.04.2013)
Gurugram-122017 (Haryana)
4.The committee will be independent and will benchmark with various similar projects, within NCR or outside, to arrive at the conclusions.
5. The team has the following 3 members, who are nominated on the basis of their previous experience and discussions held. They are also nominated since they have offered their services and complimentary contribution, voluntarily to enable KKS to give a direction to this impending community task. The members are as follows:
a. Sh.Vikesh Trisal, vikesh.trisal@gmail.com, 9650691514
b. Sh.M K Raina, mkraina2007@gmail.com, 9818040268
c. Sh.Rattan Kotwal rattankotwal@gmail.com 9871388220
Terms of Reference
Committee will prepare a report which will spell out a plan for the following:
d. Prepare a plan for what should be the objectives of the project in terms of what specific community needs for all the sections of KPs should the project be designed to address.
e. Prepare details of impact all the above defined objectives will address and meet.
f. How is the project to be implemented in terms of
- i. Steering Committee
- ii. Project finance and raising funds
The Kashyap Kashmir Sabha, Gurugram
(Registration No. HR/018/2013/ 00405 dated 08.04.2013)
Gurugram-122017 (Haryana)
Design and Architecture – brief for the Architects and Design concept
- iv. Project construction and execution
- v. Control and Management
- vi. Audit
- vii. Statutory and Legal requirements
g. What kind of team structure is required for the execution various components of the project along with these individual teams’ roles and responsibilities.
h. A possible broad timeline (first cut).
All the Community members are requested to kindly support this team in execution of this important task.
Lokesh Bhan
President, The Kashyap Kashmir Sabha, Gurgaon