Temple Project_Concept Note_06.03.2019

The Kashyap Kashmir Sabha, Gurugram

(Registration No. HR/018/2013/ 00405 dated 08.04.2013)
Gurugram-122017 (Haryana)


02nd March 2019-03-06


“This concept note is developed by a nominated committee of three members to ideate the initial concept of “KKS Temple & Heritage Centre” Project in Palam Vihar at the acquired land by Kashyap Kashmir Sabha. 

The objective of this concept note is to invite feedback, comments and suggestions 
from a widespread members of our community living in and outside Gurgaon within 15 days from the date this circulation”

Please write back to following executive memebers for any suggestions, feedback or inpits
within 15 days from the release of this circulation on or before 23rd March 2019.



Kashmiri Pandits have been migrating out of Kashmir for centuries. Primarily the seething insecurities and or the prospects of better job opportunities have prompted Kashmiri Pandits to move out of Kashmir in droves. Latest being the one around 1989 and thereafter. Whenever and wherever we formed a sizable number, the yearning to establish social contacts and cohesion based on the special cultural and religious needs resulted in a Kashmiri Sabha and thereafter, with the collective efforts, Bhawna’s at places like Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata in the earlier times and after the latest exodus at multiple places across the country. Notwithstanding the collective trauma and personal tragedies and troubles, people came forward at all these places and contributed time and money to create collective socio-cultural nests. The typical format such social nests took shape have been in the form of congregation space/s/halls, some rooms and indeed a temple / havanshala. Indeed, by default such facilities became the headquarters of the local Kashmiri Pandit Association to operate from and a socio-cultural hub for the community.


Gurugram, with its employment opportunities, proximity to Delhi and emerging housing possibilities saw more than steady flow of our tribe. Following the same pattern of need for social contact and cohesion, Kashyp Kashmir Sabha (KKS) was formed and registered in the year 1997- 98. In the meantime and after the exodus, the scope of our collective requirements, needs and thus the mandate changed drastically beyond the socio-cultural contact and cohesion. The current circumstances have drastically enhanced the need to encompass greater interdependence, job and business networking, professional and business self-help, vocational training and learning, issues related to health, especially that of our senior citizens and indeed creation of a recognizable one voice of exiled Kashmiri Hindu.

It is gratifying to note that the founding fathers of KKS-Gurugram recognised these realities and created enabling provisions for such endeavours in the memorandum of association of KKS. The KKS enabled itself to acquire, provide, erect, establish, endow, maintain, control and run any such
infrastructure to realise its objectives. Accordingly KKS approached the government of Haryana for allotment of a plot of land to build such an infrastructure. A plot of land was allotted to KKS several years ago but was let go after it went into problems with the local community. Lately another plot of land measuring 1080 SQM has been allotted in R. B. sector 23 A, among others, on the following main conditions of development and use – Type of buildings permitted.

Quote, “The type of buildings permitted on the site shall be religious building or buildings designed for religious purposes by the allottee according to the belief only. Their use for any other purpose is strictly prohibited. These shall include the building or buildings intended to be used for public works and social interactions and gatherings associated with the main building. Ten percent of the permissible FAR could be allowed to be used for building ancillary to the main use include priest/care takers residence, shops will however not be allowed. The building constructed on the site
shall be open to all and their use shall not be restricted to any particular sect/community. Change in use of land for purposes other than for which the site has been allotted shall not be allowed.” Unquote.


We need a common nest, which belongs to us collectively and to which we belong to collectively. We need an infrastructure in brick and mortar where we can meet, communicate with each other, celebrate with each other and facilitate each other. A nest, which shall become the nucleus of our ethnic life and source of help to young people to enhance their professional and business interests and bond with each other. It shall be a place to afford cultural succour to old and young, men and women. We need a vibrant place to celebrate our socio-cultural heritage and special religious needs unhindered. We need a collective space to glue us emotionally. Above all a focal point to help our Biradari in issues relating to health and wellbeing. And by default this nest shall become the home to Kashyp Kashmir Sabha and most of KKS activities.


Ideally we would like this nest of ours to have the look and feel of what we have left behind, but that may not be entirely possible. However, it may be possible to create certain ambiance to reminisce the subtleness and serenity of our “Devangans” that we have left behind – simple in disposition and calming to the nerves. Ostentatious and flashy were not the order of Kashmiri architecture and more so the religious places. This may be possible to achieve to some measure by careful use of the materials used and by the selection of appropriate hues and shades. Interiors, no doubt, shall be with modern facilities and functional but when one enters the campus, a certain feel of peace should prevail.


Today we have the wisdom of hind side and the luxury of learning from the shortcoming as well as the successes of similar other projects. It shall be prudent to clearly define our exact infrastructural needs with realism. More often than not we tend to go in for more than required infrastructure which remains underutilized and eventually suffers from inadequate funds that result in unfinished product and tardy maintenance. Hence, clarity is needed in what we need. And whatever we finalise has to be functional, efficient, aesthetically inspiring and finally utilised.

We would like to call our Gurugram project as “Nest” at this stage till a suitable name is adopted.

Our requirement clearly is a temple with a covered prayer hall to accommodate about 200 people and a kitchen and ladies/gents toilets attached to this hall. There could be a stage separating/linking the temple to the hall and the hall could be divisible into two to facilitate its usage as per the
requirements. In this manner this could be a large collective prayer hall facing the deity/temple and when the temple is curtained off and boarded with the partition board it becomes a hall for cultural events with a stage and when the hall is further divided into two, we have two function rooms as per the needs of the vent.

In order to have the main hall to accommodate say 200 to 225 people in theatre style we need a hall of 1815 square feet (55 x 33), thumb rule 8sft per chair including isle spaces. The stage space of 462 sft (14 x 33 ft), kitchen space of 272 sft (16 x 17) and toilet block of 256 sft (16 x 16). This works out a rectangular plinth area of 2805 square feet (85 x 33).

The temple could be a standalone single story structure of let’s say 280 sft (14 x 20), appropriately raised to the level of the stage or even slightly higher, which shall open towards stage and onto the prayer hall and after the prayers temple curtails shall be drawn and partition boards laid out at the back of the stage to make the hall good for cultural and other appropriate activities.

Two large walls of this hall can have permanent display of our rich cultural heritage one side and the story of genocide on the other.

In this fashion, we believe this single hall can realise multipurpose roles and thus good return on investment.

There is a requirement of a Havan Kund, which can be made in the open but with a covered canopy. One small self-contained residential dwelling for Pujari cum care taker shall be carved out in any irregular patch of land.

A first floor construction is recommended over the main hall area of 2805 sqft (85 x 33 sqft) to accommodate let’s say a 660 sq. feet (20 x 33) of meditation hall, one smaller study for smaller meetings and some office rooms for KKS, a pantry and the toilets.

A basement parking is recommended to take some burden off from street level parking. For this to happen purposefully we shall need to create a basement on the entire Zoned area of 562.56 SQM, which shall give us an area of 6055.34 SQF. On a thumb rule of 3.3 cars per 1000 SQF we can
expect parking space for 20 cars. This is theoretical number but keeping in view the triangular shape of the land and the inherent wastage we may be able to fit in no more than 15 cars but that shall give us some storage space too.


The first visit and the very first look at the site is of delight. The location is rather good-on the main sector road with a 10 meter side road access. The plot, though triangular, looks very large as it is. The devil is, however, hidden in the detail. On receipt of the papers – demarcation cum zoning plan, it transpires that plot as we see now also includes 12 meter wide service road on the sector road side, which shall be cut out and thereafter only does our 1080 SQM stand. Not only that, but after leaving the setback area of 3 meters on two sides and 4 meters on one side our zoned area shrinks to 562.56 SQM (just 52% of the total site area). It does not stop there. Keeping in view the triangular shape of the land wastage may be as high as 45%, which brings us to just 309.19 SQM (3328.09 sqft) of constructible land of some meaning.

All in all this is not an ideal site and one would say not even an acceptable site. Keeping in view the permanency of the project it would be prudent to give the project a deep thought and review the desirability of this site with an open mind.

If we have absolutely no choice, then indeed we shall have to proceed with what we have. And in any case, a proper professional architect shall have to be commissioned for the job to realise best possible results notwithstanding the constraints. This document is an initial exercise to bring focus on what our aims, objectives and aspirations are. Going forward we can change anything but the limitations of the land remain permanent and that is why focus on this aspect.


All the above measurements, calculations etc. have been attempted just to dig our teeth bit deeper into the details to appreciate the limitations and the expectations. It has been necessary since there is a common perception in the people that we have a very large (1200 sq yard) plot and clearly a lot can be done. So, the limitations as pointed out shall bring some realism in the expectations of the people.


Appointment of an Architect.
Out first task shall be the appointment of an architect, who shall draw the best plans to realise our expectations. Once the plans are finalised, then we shall also have an idea of the costs involved and the time lines for the finalisation of the project.

We recommend to ask for the expression of interest from Kashmiri Pandit (KP) Architects, with at least ten years of demonstrable experience based in NCR. KP Architects, because we must patronise our own people, as in any other business and secondly they shall have much higher understanding and appreciation of our sensibilities and subtleties’. We could empanel at least three Architects and then ask them to submit concepts, designs and plans as also the remunerative bids. Based on the best offer we can appoint the best one. Keeping the nature of the project in consideration it is advisable to engage an Architect who shall also incorporate the following within the scope of their work:-
A) Complete oversight and monitoring of the project till delivery
B) Selection of structural engineer/s
C) Tendering and selection of civil/electrical contractors in consultation with the client.
D) Ensuring regulatory compliances
E) The Architect shall also work out a stage wise incremental release of funds based on the stage wise completion of the works.

Scope of work

a) All civil and Electrical works – Class A, finished
b) All internal fittings, fixtures and trimmings
c) All furnishings, furniture and displays (Costing to be obtained separately)
We recommend to put together a few set of committees to roll out the project efficiently and transparently, with built in checks and balances. Following are suggested:-

The suggested committees and their roles and responsibilities

1. Steering Committee. As the name suggests this committee shall steer the whole project “Nest” from conception till the final delivery. This committee shall be the driving force for things to happen and take ownership for speedy and satisfactory planning and implementation
of the project. Three people were nominated by the president to initiate the process. The start is this paper to set the ball rolling. Keeping in view the importance of this committee, it is recommended to nominate three more people to the steering committee to take the number to six. This
committee shall report to the KKS Executive committee and work under its clear mandate.

2. Oversight Committee. A three member oversight committee shall be formed from amongst this “Steering Committee” members to interface with the appointed Architect on an ongoing basis. They shall ensure that the works and processes as per the agreed rules of engagement
are followed. This committee shall escalate any inconsistency to the Steering Committee for redressal. This core committee shall include at least one civil engineer. This committee shall report to the Steering Committee.

3. Finance & Audit Committee. This three member committee shall consist of people with the relevant background and experience. The job of this committee shall be to provide financial and pre-audit advice and clearance to the proposals which shall have monetary involvement. This committee shall be involved in the tendering and any negotiations process that may be required. All their agreements and objections shall be recorded in writing. This committee shall function more like integrated finance cum audit outfit. This committee shall also prove guidance and direction to the fund raising committees. This committee shall directly report to the KKS Executive committee.

4. Fund Raising Committees

Once the Architectural designs and details are frozen and the costs are known, we shall immediately need to launch funds mobilisation campaigns. These details shall immediately need to be uploaded on our website and a limited number of folders printed in colour.

We suggest following three fund raising groups of at least four people each who shall have some influence and wherewithal in their respective fields.
a) Corporate and institutional sector. (CNI)
b) General Public incl. RWA sector (GP)
c) Kashmiri Pandit’s sector (KP)

We may also have more than one group to cover any one sector. The executive committee of KKS shall nominate various members on the fund raising committees based on their domain experience, suitability and influence in the area of operations.
These committees shall report to the Steering Committee.

Temple Project Fund

KKS is advised to open a separate account for this project so that all funds raised are parked at one place separately for the sake of convenience and transparency.

Nearer the completion of the project then we shall need to appoint a three member maintenance committee for ongoing maintenance and upkeep of the campus. Such committee could have a tenure of two years and could be appointed from amongst the membership of KKS.