The Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) of Kashyap Kashmir Sabha (Regd.), Gurgaon for FY 2018-19


All members of the Executive Committee

All Life Members

Special Invitees

The Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) of Kashyap Kashmir Sabha (Regd.), Gurgaon for FY 2018-19 is decidedto be held in March 2020 as per following schedule:

Date & Time: Registration: 1st March 2020, (Sunday) from 1700-1900 Hrs (5PM-7PM) 1600 Hrs (4PM onwards)
Venue: Chair KKS Temple Land (Sector 22/23, PalamVihar), Gurgaon President, KKS, Gurgaon


1.      Two minutes silence to be observed in remembrance of departed souls.

2.      Confirmation of the Minutes of the last AGM held on 30th March 2019

3.      Opening remarks by President.

4.      Activity Report by General Secretary.

5.      Approval and adoption of audited accounts for the years 2018-19 and presentation of provisional accounts of 2019-20 (April 2019-Feb 2020)

6.      Update on Temple & Heritage Centre Project by General Secretary

8.      Approval of New Life Members during 2018-19-20.

9.      Proposed changes (if any) in the Election Procedure and/or Bye-Laws.

10.   Any other item with the permission of the Chair.

Tea & Snacks will be served at 7PM onwards

All EC Members, Life members of KKS, Gurgaon and all KP community members living in Gurgaon are requested to attend the Annual General Meeting on the above-mentioned date/venue/time in full participation.

The activity report by each Vice President and other suggestions from members should be sent in advance to the undersigned on email.

The time and venue of AGM is decided after due consideration of majority of EC and life members.

Looking forward to your participation.

Sincerely Yours,

Vinod K. Pandita

Gen Secretary, KKS, Gurgaon

9th February 2020, 1500 HRS     

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